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Thread #153452   Message #3594756
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
22-Jan-14 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin impies Obama is a Racist.
Subject: RE: BS: Palin impies Obama is a Racist.
I have a pretty fair idea what you are talking about Ake. I often find your reasoning to be flawed and sometimes I point that out. That does not make me a liberal, or whatever label you want to stick on me.

My ideal President would be frugal, thoughtful and prudent. Like Eisenhower. Eisenhower built the interstate highway system for the security of the country and the greater economic good. The current GOP won't even free up some funds to keep it in repair because they act as if positive economic news while the Democrats hold the Presidency is bad for them.

I came to this country 15 years ago supporting the Republicans but now their agenda is so driven by right wing nutjobs and crazy billionaires that they do nothing worthy of support.

I don't know if I do "share and support" most of Bill's views. I do share his love for trying to be logical.

I told you that "Liberals" are not afraid of Palin and I told you why. You have not addressed what I have said about this. You have not addressed similar points by others. Yet you repeat the same mantra. I live in a swing state with one senator form each party. Kay Hagen, the Democrat is up for re-election. I would like nothing better than for Sarah Palin to swoop in here and support a Tea Party candidate over the candidate chosen by the GOP establishment. It is the best chance for the Democrats to keep the seat. I am not afraid of her. I say "Bring her on!" and I am not even a liberal.