The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28751   Message #359476
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
18-Dec-00 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: Ancient Brits, HOW could they do it!
Subject: RE: Ancient Brits, HOW could they do it!

This do hit close to home ! (And I will hit 60 next year!)

Just allow me to say that I was recently asked to do a story-telling fest-- all tall tales since I can no longer pick anything worth showing anybody. Those tall tales were the introductions to the songs in the old days---just a way of setting up what I REALLY wanted people to hear---the ballads and songs I'd managed to find and keep. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy and as it turns out it was completely bizarre -- me just sitting there rattling off the intros without the music following. All I can tell ya is, I'm glad there weren't many people there to see me fumbling around trying to remember out o' context bits and pieces. That'll be the last time I do that even for big money. ---------------- Yeah, we gotta know when to stop in spite of all the good intentions and the wishful thinking of our fans.

By the way Mr. Rick, your CD This One's The Dreamer is a fine piece of work. I just listened to it again this afternoon.

Art Thieme