The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3594944
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
23-Jan-14 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
A cough-free sleep! I managed to muddle through the eve, watching TV/doing FB. Bed about 10:15 and so to sleep! Until 7 am. OK, need lots of sleep and started to couh upon waking but slept and arm feels better too.

Stayed snug in bed until 8 then brekkie, and getting ready to go back to mill to finish that application and get it in the mail. Also stop and do Farmers' Market business for the 3 winter markets and pick up another loaf of Esther's zuchini bread. Maybe catch friend at restaurant and pick up this week's local paper. Then the writers' group 5-7 and back to the city.

Emails are done and now I am off and -not running, just walking!