The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3595337
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
24-Jan-14 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Linn: That rattling would drive me berserk in seconds! A piece of duct tape??

SRS: more soup! As for the weather: Supposed to go up to 5 today, then 19, 5, 16, 1, 12, 14 are the daily highs for the week! I used enjoy roller coasters ... But terrifically grateful for those in the teens. Today, I put on monster coat and went out - IGA/post office to mail my application!!, Library to pay a fine because I forgot I had a DVD/never watched it, up two flights to get some exercise, then to a "super C" grocery for the bread I like. I was clean out and it is the best - heavy german rye with sunflower seeds. I have been eating it almost exclusively for over 20 years. There was none? Asked a staff in my best french and she responded in English. They moved it over to the aisle with the junk bread. She had to show me.

Then there was only one loaf so I expressed my wish for more - 3 if you have them. She went in the back and came out with the three and I suggested she put more on the shelf. That was all for this week so I left feeling slightly guilty that no one else could get any until next week. Not guilty enough! Two for city and two for mill - one in freezer each place. I only use one piece a day but other breads often have a negative effect.   

The IGA was deserted, Super C moderately busy for a Friday morn. People just not out unless they really need to be - or maybe the ones from colder climes.

Accomplished the needful and wanted tasks yesterday. Actually had the wit to stop on the way to the mill to get pics made for my application! Did the Farmers' Market business- app and check ( first check since mid Dec!) Had a good visit with the Mom and Son who keep things going - he was working on the flier for February. In Dec, he actually made me a new business card for the flier - now if I could just figure out how to get it in a place from which I can print it! on my list. Picked up a loaf of zucchini bread there also.

I stopped and filled the gas tank, knowing I would be tired at the end of day, The gas is cheaper down there as it is close to the border. People go shopping in the US and get gas. My friend was not at home so no newspaper. Good thing because when I got to the mill the Hydro (electric) metre reader was just waiting. She was happy to be able to do her chore. I had some of my lentil soup and a small piece of zuke bread. And a small piece of Esther's choc zuke cake. I could make this stuff but Esther does it so well!

Then completed all the pieces for my application in time to get to the writers' group where after the usual chattering, we had an interesting discussion using a talking stick ( as I had suggested before Christmas) and the worst chatterbox managed to be almost quiet. She doesn't realize that every time she chatters, I miss out on what anyone else says. A news item about a woman who was "kicked out" of a Montreal hospital for requesting treatment in English was the theme and brought out many thoughts on the multiculturalism of Quebec - or the lack of it. And we got to know each other better!

Then I drove back to the city and watched TV and did the email thing, simultaneously until R came home for a light supper. R lobbied for brownies. I did not have THAT much energy! When he fell asleep on the sofa I turned off the TV; BEDTIME!

It was wonderful to feel like a competent being all day and again today. Head is still clearing, but that is my life. As long as I am not longing to go back to bed, it is a good day. So next of my list was bread p--- interrupted by mad dash to K to rescue, I hope, much over cooked choc bread pudding!! I even whipped cream to go with it - that will rescue almost anything ----won't it... It HAS to be good. It has 12 oz of dark choc in it!

Now, to sit here and cut up apples for stewing.