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Thread #153464   Message #3595495
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
25-Jan-14 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
pete, I googled SaRfati and find he's another of your creationist loons. On the website that I consulted, one commentator pointed out that Sarfati's "refutation of Dawkins" doesn't seem to be available in 'normal' bookshops (unlike Richard Dawkins' book) but, presumably, has to be ordered from some dubious 'creationist foundation' - correct me if I'm wrong (?)

This is the best comment I found on the matter:

"If I dismiss this book without reading it then I am as closed minded as religious people who refuse to read Mr Dawkins' book.

However, I do not have much free time these days. So what I have decided to do is to wait until the author is awarded the Nobel Prize for disproving evolution, and THEN read the book.

That's fair isn't it?"

Perhaps, if YOU have read Sarfati's book, pete, you could go on and read Dawkins' book - and give us a comparison of the two?