The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3595575
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
25-Jan-14 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
I have filed, recycled, and shredded my way through a whole bunch of paper this evening. There is still plenty of other stuff to do around here, like dishes and folding laundry, but the paper was most pressing. I'm off to let out Susie's dogs one more time then I may take a hot bath and read for a while. Relaxation needs to be pencilled in along with chores on my list of things to do.

Among the things I've shredded are the old documents for the pickup - no point in keeping them, though I have enough information to show that I did once own it. The vehicle folder is now holding the new purchase information, the phone company folder now has AT&T info (Sprint stuff mostly discarded), and I'd love to have a new job file one of these days. I saw my old boss (for 15 years) and his wife today for a few minutes, I took over a bag of iris rhizomes for her garden. I was so lucky to have worked with him for as long as I did, and I had more than one person tell me I had the best boss. We remain good friends, and he is a reference for jobs I'm applying for. (The iris were not a bribe for a good word!)

I hope everyone is warm, has power, and sees a lifting of the heavy weather soon. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!