The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28751   Message #359563
Posted By: catspaw49
18-Dec-00 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: Ancient Brits, HOW could they do it!
Subject: RE: Ancient Brits, HOW could they do it!
I had bypassed this thread for some reason and opening it is the proverbial can of worms.

Its like looking in a distorted mirror........these guys look like hell, but I'M okay!!! Gawd..........I went to a 30th reunion a few years back and it was a two day thing starting at a hangout called the "Pour House" that was the place to be when you could buy beer. So here's all these 50 year olds playing teeny boppers again and it was kinda' frightening. Now I hadn't seen most of them in 30 years so I'm sitting around wondering who that old bat is or why all these fuckers are bald! It was a bit gruesome when they got into the dancing bit..........

I saw the promos for your show Rick since one of my PBS stations is using it too, but I missed it. I was actually wanting to see it in that same bizarre way. On the other hand, VH1 is doing a good job with their "Legends," "Storytellers," and "Behind the Music" series in giving me an "Old Fart" fix. The more mellow of folkier types may not fare any better in the looks department (neither do I), but at least the act has matured too. A few months ago I caught someone who sounded like Paul Simon, but looked like a little, fat, bald, Jewish guy. Is there any need to mention James Taylor? I thought not.
