The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3595668
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
26-Jan-14 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Seeing some of the desktop is always a good thing!

The choc bread pudding was duly rescued and, thought perhaps drier than meant to be is actually quite edible, esp with whipped cream! The only reason for this was a very large loaf of good whole grain bread that was falling apart and useless for sandwiches or toast. I won't buy that again. And may never make bread pudding again. This 13x9 pan will last quite a while; shall have to freeze part of it.

Last night I made "Better Butter Chicken" from a recipe in a magazine than somehow visited us. It is edible but NOT butter chicken and certainly not "better". And lots of it! So I have added the same amount of seasoning again to the left-overs and hope it is more flavourful today.

The group Fri night was quite delightful - fun. entertaining. But they seemed to get louder and louder. I believe this is due to me becoming more and more affected by the indoor air. It happens most weeks. I put on my mask when I realized I was starting to feel grumpy - an effect bad air can have on me. My eyes were burning. The kitchen does not have an adequate exhaust system.

R had to come back to the city Sat morn. I hung on in the country hoping to get the studio warm enough to work. By 3 pm it was clearly not getting to 60 so I packed up and came back to the city. I did get the dishes caught up and some organizing things done. As Linn notes, sometimes we do things all day but little things do not get remembered. I was not sitting on my hands. I did have a 97 min call with a friend that was helpful for her and helped toward healing our dicey relationship. I was not on computer at all as I forgot the cord.

Now, brekkie is long over, the K cleaned up, a small load of laundry needs to go in dryer. R has gone off to work. MY head is in clearing mode, better than a long time. Sage and ginger tea MAY be helping. My right shoulder is mildly uncomfortable but better than in the last year so I am terrifically hopeful that I can get it back to normal.

I now have no doubt that choc does cause foot/leg cramps and magnesium citrate prevents/heals them. Even the bread pudding had me jumping up 3 times Fri night with a foot in excruciating spasm. 3 trips to K for more mag. After two pieces of "pudding" - more the texture of brownies!

Going to catch up emails and hope for potting energy this aft. Now - the dryer.