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Thread #153464   Message #3595737
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
26-Jan-14 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Actually, pete, I haven't quite finished reading Dawkins' book yet - so I'm not quite ready for the "refutation". But from what I've read,so far, Prof. Dawkins' book, 'The Greatest Show on Earth', is a masterful summary of the evidence for evolution and contains all of the "reasoned argument" that you could ever need. Perhaps you should read it? Or would you rather stick with the "refutation" which (probably) cosily confirms all of your prejudices and preconceptions? Anyway, you creationists don't need evidence or reasoned argument, do you? Because you all 'know' uncritically and without question that "God Did It", don't you?

" ... if we are the product of intelligent design we certainly can expect that we can trust our assessments of what is reasoned, and make informed judgments on such. if we are only the result of accidental biological, chemical processes ,there is no reason to be sure ,even given, learning to evaluate study, that we are correct."

What??!! You may ... or may not ... be the product of "intelligent design", pete, but you might like to ask your 'maker' to give you a few tips on how to string a reasoned and coherent argument together!