The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3595745
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
26-Jan-14 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
This turned into an internet all afternoon. Lots to see as I had not been on yesterday, and a couple chats with nearby friends. R came home a short time ago - sick. So he has had orange juice, chicken broth, an avocado and a piece of zuke bread. Now taking a hot bath where he will probably fall asleep. The last one was good for two hours! A good place for him as there is nothing on TV.

He was at IKEA! On a Sunday! I would be a basket case!

Anyway, the K is still clean and the laundry caught up - except for the clothes he wore today. I was about to phone him to see if he were coming home soon. If not I would have taken a hot bath! Tomorrow. 3 degrees tonight, going up to 19 tomorrow! Why I did not feel like going anywhere today.