The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153529   Message #3596225
Posted By: eddie1
28-Jan-14 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Pete Seeger (1919-2014)
Subject: RE: Obit: Pete Seeger (1919-2014)
A big loss to the world of folk music, conservation and activism but he has left one hell of a legacy!
I was fortunate enough to meet him back in the days when.........
Pete was doing a concert at the Usher Hall in Edinburgh. For those who don't know it, it is Edinburgh's equivalent of London's Albert Hall or New York's Carnegie Hall! History of symphony concerts etc. First big positive – we've all been to concerts by "stars" when the first 45 minutes of each half are taken up by a relatively unknown and the star does a hurried 25 minute spot before the interval and maybe 30 minutes at the end? None of that with Pete – there was no-one else. He was announced and came onstage carrying that big Stan Francis 12-string and his famous Vega long-neck banjo. He left the stage to return with a double-headed felling axe! Off again and back with a huge tree-trunk! Pete then sang "Take This Hammer" while chopping hell out of the tree trunk! The real show however, was the hallkeeper, standing at the side of the stage and watching this guy making a mess of his precious stage! His face went from pink, to red, to purple, to black! The concert was truly wonderful!
After the concert, a bunch of us went to The Howff in High Street and that took up the rest of the night. Pete & Toshi were there with daughter sleeping in the guitar case! Pete did plenty of singing but took plenty of time to sit back and listen to other singers, joining in choruses and applauding. A true gentleman who will be sorely missed.
RIP Pete
