The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153524   Message #3596540
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Jan-14 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Being Male
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
Why thank you Sins but there is a problem males encounter as they grow older. In youth our balls are almost tight and ride wonderfully just below the dick, a proud three piece set. As we age they begin to sag similarly to a woman's tits. Here's the problem.......

You first notice this phenomenon when you accidentally sit on your balls. This is a bit shocking but we learn to adjust and cope. A few more years pass. Now here is the biggie! Although a woman's boobs might be hanging low, not even the longest and biggest dangle into the toilet water when they sit down!

This is unpleasant for a variety of reasons which I feel no need to list here. You learn to overcome this but the danger of "wetsack" are always lurking.
