The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3596992
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Jan-14 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Not one Mudcat person had seen the signs."
Er no - of those contributing to the thread, some said they hadn't, you were the only to deny their existence lying again.
A quick recap of your position and then I'll let you have your customary last word wouln't want to upset the feng shui of these threads that you insist on making your own.
You still believe that, in spite of all the statements made by those involved with Travellers, you know more than all of us/them rolled together (infallibility rules OK)
You still proclaim your disgusting suggestion that Assad should be supplied with equipment enabling him to disable his opponents, stick them in his torture chambers - then "disappear them" - 17,000 to date and counting.
You still believe "all male Pakistanis" implanted potential perverts.
You are prepared to support uncritically the claims of an extremist racist site (app 1,000) after only examining couple of them and refusingto look at the reast.
You still refuse to pay more than lip-service to long term and current persecution by the Christian Church. desperately trying to rule it "off side" on a thread entitled "Christian Persecution"
I'm sure I've missed plenty - but that'll do for now - and for future use.
Carry on - your last word is.....?
"All lies" - no doubt!!
Jim Carroll