The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3597451
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
01-Feb-14 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Nice morning - not sunny but bright. Then afternoon snow but very light. Less than an inch so far. May do more tonight.

Yesterday's good morning turned into a lousy afternoon and I phoned R to ask if we could go to the country together in my car as I did not feel up to driving. So we did and even got to the cafe on time for the main act. It was wonderful to have our friend Steve back in the audience, and participate in one song at open mike, recovering slowly but steadily from the motorcycle accident last summer that put him into a rather lengthy coma!

We continued on to the mill and made it to bed before midnight. I coughed all night for the first time in at least a week. I had a period of recovery in the am and managed to make breakfast about 10. Then mended pair of long johns by hand after I mended the heat thingy - that we put in the microwave to get hot to warm the bed. Crisis! When R pulled it out this am, it was leaking! I HAD to mend it and as long as... Did a tiny bit of sorting in the studio but not enough energy to do much so did not turn heat up.

R put sweeps on the bottoms of the front door!!! and the door from storage area (COLD) into studio. No more jeans blocking the crack under the door! I made a nice simple lunch about 3:30 then dashed off to the library as a book seemed to be overdue. Part way there, I realized I had forgotten the book. So I threw myself on the mercy of the librarian who simply renewed the week overdue book for me.

Since, I am sitting here - watching the snow fall until it became too dark, computering, and sneezing and blowing my nose and coughing, coughing, coughing... Time for more C and Pau d'Arco.