The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153575   Message #3597538
Posted By: GUEST
02-Feb-14 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: 25 reasons to leave Scotland
Subject: RE: BS: 25 reasons to leave Scotland
One of the main reasons unionist politicians leave Scotland is to get their nose in a deeper trough than is available at home. Then there is the added bonus, if they play their cards right, of elevation to that most undemocratic of places 'The House of Lords' where for a mere sighning of their names they can daily draw £300 plus exorbitant expenses.
Go to it ye downtrodden and disadvantaged and keep voting for these parasites to keep them in the manner to which they have become acustomed too.
Ask 'flipper' Darling, he who changed his main residence four times in order to fleece the taxpayer, why you should vote NO in the coming Scottish referendum, if for nothing else, if truth be told, than to gain him an ermine robe and all the associated perks. A YES vote will of course scupper his plans and that of his cohorts.