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Thread #133984   Message #3597756
Posted By: Teribus
03-Feb-14 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)

"British and French leaders were afloat in the same boat long before 1914; all plans were designed on that premise. Enthusiasm varied, of course, but the time of real options was from 1900 to 1911, approximately. I think that each single one of the governments involved could have prevented the war then, and should have done so for the benefit of the vast majority of their own citizens, and of the world."

The agreements and treaties entered into by Great Britain, France and Russia between 1904 and 1911 were entered into with the express intention of preventing a war in Europe by deterring it. Most alliances are made on the premise that they are defensive - both NATO and the Warsaw Pact are examples of that concept - The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance were no different. Unfortunately, it only takes one of the players to think that they can win to destroy the balance - in the period we are talking about Germany, governed by a very militaristic autocracy, believed that they could strike decisive blows both on land and at sea in order to accomplish what Germany saw as her war objectives.

"If any of them was "less guilty" than the others, we would still be wrong to praise them now."

Who is praising anyone? I will repeat the three points that Keith made:

1: That Britain had no choice but to resist the German onslaught;

2: That the British people overwhelmingly understood and accepted that;

3: That the British army was not badly led.

I agree with all three

In the course of the last two hundred years Great Britain has made a stand and played an instrumental part in saving Europe from four dictatorships - those of Napoleon Bonaparte; Kaiser Wilhelm II, Adolf Hitler and Soviet Communism.

Was it right that Great Britain took the stance that they did? - Yes it was.

Am I proud of the stand that my country took and the part they played in the downfall of those regimes? - Yes I am.

Am I proud and grateful for the sacrifices made by my forebears and those of my fellow countrymen in ensuring the defeat and overthrow of those regimes? - Yes I am, and I am convinced that those sacrifices and tribulations borne by the nation as a whole should be remembered and commemorated and portrayed as honestly and as objectively as possible so that my grandchildren can appreciate the sacrifices made, as unlike me, they will have no chance to listen to the stories of those who actually took part as I have (Great War and Second World War).