The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153524   Message #3597982
Posted By: gnu
03-Feb-14 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Being Male
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Male
Spaw! Get ye to the MAN store! I started a thread years ago because I was tickled pink about my new 18" at the seat, 3.5 gallon per flush elongated toilet. No more cold dick surprise in the middle of the night when ya just gotta go and don't wanna turn on the light. Oh, it ain't just a matter of aim if yer of a circum persuasion... what matters is if yer a porn star and I figger you ain't so I figger you don't shave yer never regions. Me needer so it's them loooonnng scraggly hairs what somehow manage to reach out and attach themselves to the most sacred of the male orifices and make the vanity wet. Or the wall. Or the bleach bottle I keep next to my throne. That'll wake up outta a half-sleep if ya piss on that. Although it is kinda cool to nail two Macronite Filters at once if the light is on.

If anyone is lost re the Macronite ref, George Carlin has a bit about urinals.