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Thread #153464   Message #3598053
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Feb-14 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
>>>From: Steve Shaw - PM
Date: 03 Feb 14 - 08:28 AM

Without evidence, Wacko? And where is your evidence to support your claim that it's likely that "every possible combination has existed and competed"? That is such a nonsensical notion that it's almost beneath arguing with. Furthermore, you say "In so many trials the mutations would not only lead to useful information but to every possible state of information time after time." Not much to make sense of there either, is there? <<<

I am afraid that I made a logical argument argument which you have missed. It is a very very simple one. Are you arguing that it was not chance that created life? Are you arguing that some unknown force of intelligent design was limiting the number of mutations? Surely you are not arguing that in the billion or so years that there was only single celled life which implies billions of trillions of reproductive events that all possible combinations of the four letters that comprise DNA were not possible or even likely.

Are you implying that there has been only seven thousand years? If so you have made a valid point. If there was only 5 or 6 days from the inception of the universe to the emergence of terrestrial life In my humble opinion there would not have been time.

Please tell me what your theory of the evolution of life on this planet is. And please do not include the mind numbingly high number of replication events between the emergence of life and the beginning of recorded history in your calculation.

Wacko, babe, it's sad to see you struggle so. This post of yours has nothing to do with your previous one or my response to it. You appear to want to get sillier by the day. Entertaining enough in its way, but I'm beginning to get concerned for you. It's the way I am, old boy...