The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3598576
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
05-Feb-14 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
SRS: I could not listen to such a debate!! Almost as bad as watching a hockey game - maybe worse, even!

Lunch is in the microwave. Pots are uncovered and will be ready for next step after lunch.

The water heater is dead forever and will be replaced ---- Several are being removed from a building R sold- finally! And with any luck one will make it into the cellar here before the next millennium. In the meantime, no dishes done - until it becomes desperate enough to heat a pot of water! Did clothes in cold water yesterday but prefer hot for sheets, etc.

The trap door to cellar was challenging to open this am. My doing as I had put something there to protect the cord for the wee heater. But I managed to save the life of the handle of my fav mop by using strong slim files to weasel it up enough to open!! "Sometimes, R, I DO know what I am doing!"

Cough is still doing well but had another cough-free night so I am feeling OK.

Nice email this am from folk dance friend in PA to which I wrote a lengthy reply. I do miss those guys and hope to get down there in the spring - that means after mid-April!

Goal is to get to the studio by one, so lunch...