The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3598940
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Feb-14 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Hello? I dip in here once a day usually and I appear to not know what this thread is about. Has some dipstick censored religion talk? Is pete not to be called a twat? Is Wacko not to be called Wacko (even though his chosen soubriquet is even stupider)? Are we not allowed to say that anyone who decries in-your-face evidence is deluded? Are we not to condemn those who declare that they care not for the near-certainty that God does not exist because there are "greater truths"? Are we not allowed to state that the indoctrination of children by "christening" them, forcing them to pray, sing hymns, sit in classrooms under a crucifix and attend church services is tantamount to an abuse of human rights? Are we not allowed to say that we respect the boundaries of free speech but that none of these issues even remotely get to that point? Tell me what's going on, somebody. And not you, pete or Wacko, as you never have the faintest idea about what's going on anyway!