The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153628   Message #3598974
Posted By: Jim Dixon
06-Feb-14 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs about New Orleans
Lyrics below are copied from the sheet music, which can be seen at the web site of The Hackley Collection of the Detroit Public Library. You can hear two different recordings here: YouTube 1, YouTube 2.

Words by Joe Young; music by Con Conrad & Jay Whidden
"As sung by miss Rae Samuels in the Ziegfeld Follies of 1912"
New York: Jerome H. Remick & Co., ©1912.

1. Hear that whistle a-blowing!
Now I know that we're going.
We've just started.
Yes, we've departed.
Why, we're leaving the pier!
I say, we're steaming from New York Bay.
That's why I feel so gay.
If we get there on time,
I'll be mighty happy.
If we're not there on time,
Why, I'll feel mighty bad,
'Cause we'll sure have some time,
'Way down in Lou'siana.
Here's what makes them all feel glad:

CHORUS: Dancing in the moonlight on a bright night, a summer's night in June,
Where darkies all are hummin' and strummin' banjos to that Dixie tune, and soon
You'll find them dancing and prancing 'round the bales of cotton,
In the ev'ning by the moonlight, down in dear old New Orleans.

2. Hear that whistle a-blowing!
See the ropes they are throwing!
We've just landed.
Yes, we've just landed.
Now we'll take in the sights.
Oh gee! I'm sure, honey, you'll agree
There's lots of things to see!
Turn your head to the left;
There's the Mississippi.
Turn your head to the right,
The levee you will see.
Now we'll jump in a cab
And drive around the city,
To a place where we can see: CHORUS

[Recordings on 78s were made by The American Quartet; and Arthur Collins & Byron G. Harlan.]