The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3599391
Posted By: akenaton
08-Feb-14 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Jack, I thought we were discussing the original purpose of reproductive relation to the species.

I know that most sexual intercourse is not to conceive children, but that is because we have worked out ways of stopping conception taking place.

If we had not worked out how to short circuit our natural functions, promiscuity would be less common.
That is not to say that I am against contraception, the human species has devolved to such an extent that contraception has become an absolute necessity to stop over population in confined areas, but with the benefits come the consequences. As society, and I must say the power of the church disintegrates, huge rates of promiscuity pertain, anything goes, and the most promiscuous sections of society are affected in epidemic proportions.

Blandriver lives in fairyland, or Mills and Boon Land, if he believes
the sort of sex being experienced by very many people today gives transcendental pleasure , or orgasmic delirium. Most of it is deeply exploitative, to say that "sex" is an end in itself, is foolish and
dangerous to individuals and the survival of our society.

Promiscuity is bad for all of us, that should be clear to everyone in this day and age.....Pope Benedict tried to make this very point, only to be howled down by the "liberal" media.