The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3599461
Posted By: GUEST,concerened
08-Feb-14 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Oh deary me..after getting two posts closed down the playground gobshites are at it again.

Now look here, i am an everyday sort of a chappess as sweetcheeks will tell you, wink wink, say no more!!

I have got a bit serious here Muskett 'cos of the likes of the unspeakable clown shaw and the like picking on poor old jack.I see the deranged gnome corrector has come out of his winter sleep to harangue the poor old mariner.

I am really with jack on this; why is it some on this site, akkenenton, the muff blandiver, shaw particularly with his "twat features" and "bastard" very low that: and can get away with using apropriose epithets like "fuck" with frequent impunity?

Not that i am really bothered but it does bring into question the rules?

"You are free to be anything you want EXCEPT unkind, impolite, argumentative, snooty, or either FOR or AGAINST that of-what-we-do-not-speak."

please discuss..I cant be bothered I have e some paint I want to watch dry.....