The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150703   Message #3599485
Posted By: Stringsinger
08-Feb-14 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
The problem always lies with people who see things in black and white and Manichaean
narrow thinking. There are atrocities on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, violence emanating from both quarters, jingoism and epithets, "my way or the highway" thinking and so-called factual data coming from editorials rather than honest reporting.

The fuel to the conflict is being lit by Fundamentalist Christians who are under the delusion that their god wants Israel to survive so it can be destroyed later by the return of a despotic Jesus who will annhilalate Jews if they don't convert, all this written in an absurd text called the King James bible, notably Revelations.

BDS attempts to interject rational behavior not by wanting to destroy Israel but to bring some sense to this country before it destroys itself.

Many rational Jews understand this and are critical of Netanyahu's paranoia and heavy handed dictatorial policies.

His insistence on expansionism through the settlers encroachment onto Palestinian land can only bring about condemnation from the world especially by those who value human rights.

However, BDS attempts to heal the breach by non-violence, always distorted by the media and religious fanatics as somehow the opposite of what it really is, and bolstered by misinformation.