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Thread #133984   Message #3599771
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Feb-14 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
"The First World War stood as an example of what not to do with conscientious objectors"
Colonel Blimp Kitchener wanted them shot - he died before the sentence could be carried out - their final fate - ten years hard labour and a lifetime of persecution for following their Christian teachings - little short of a death sentence - what's your point (or your script's point)
Word war was a barbaric conflict badly run and badly planned
You have said it was well-run and necessary
The recruits were lied to and misled - you have said they knew what they were fighting for
Instead of preparing for war the government knee-jerked and sent in troops prematurely to be slaughtered
You said they had no alternative.
Where exactly has anything that you have been claiming been proved right so far?
Just to clear up your "historians back me" claim
You have gathered together a dispirite bunch of historians, all saying different things on different aspects of the war (some backing you, some contradicting you) carefully extracted the bits that might-just-might back up what you are saying, lumped them all together and presented them as a united front backing your jingoism
Utter bollocks
Not one has backed your line on WW1 - not one single one.
On some aspects they might agree, but as a group they are all dealing with one line or another and seldom coming together on one single point.
You were presented with a huge list of historians all specialising in the war - you claimed the list was unreadable - it wasn't and that you were the only person on the planet who had read it.
Your dispirit little bans don't amount to a gnats nudger in the field of historical study.
Most of them are far from being leaders in their particular field of study, and none of them are fit to lick the boots of the historians you have dismissed out of hand as liars, revisionists and romantics, because they don't make your case.
Despite your desperately edit out the awkward bits and ignore those that are draw to your attention, The first two programmes have sent your blimpish claims into a tail-spin.
You have no overall support, and your prehistoric jingoism died with the good ol' British Empire
World War One has long been recognised as a bloodbath: useless, badly run, an exercise in carnage; and nothing that has been said so far (not even by your tabloid journalist whose weakness was "The Causes of World War One") is likely to change our present view of it.
Jim Carroll