The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3599961
Posted By: Musket
10-Feb-14 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Keith is being literal again. Of course the data supplied by HPA is mostly accurate. After all, it is gleaned largely from NHS data in the first place. As ever, bigots confuse trajectory based on history with trajectory based on meta analysis. The latter being what public Health consultants use when planning local services.

Keith keeps referring to a paper published using HPA data from a one year period as being the definitive data. No. It is a published opinion. Just that. A very good one by the way and most useful, but merely one factor.

The other factors are the excellent take up of screening by male gays, which skew figures, and the appalling late presentations by promiscuous women. Sexual health services are concentrating on the latter. Look for the new adverts just starting up. Unlike our more odious contributors, my comments on this subject do tend to be on the basis of fact. After all, I advise on healthcare planning as a small part of what I do. When I said more women take it up the arse than men, it is based mainly on complication presentation at emergency departments and colo rectal referrals, not gut (or colon..) feeling.... Oh, and the internet funnily enough. The exposure of more people to porn makes anal sex seen more a a norm and is more expected than before. An interesting paper about that the other year in a medical journal I read.

But not worth arguing with Keith or the worm. Keith is just plain ignorant and believes what he wishes to believe, so long as he can google something with a glimmer of fact about it and the worm just hates people who are on the wrong side of his personality disorder.
