The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133984   Message #3599965
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Feb-14 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
"The press was not government controlled."
"On the outbreak of World War One the government invoked the new Official Secrets Act and Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) to impose press censorship, and sought to ban all war reporting. Instead the Army delegated a serving officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Swinton, as its official reporter, under the byline 'Eye Witness'. Other reporters were left to cover the opening months of the war as best they could without official support, although in practice senior officers often dealt with the press, and letters or comments from soldiers to newspapers were tolerated. Newspaper publicity was also critical of Kitchener's call for volunteers for the army.

"There were none I needed to reject."
You immediately rejected long established historians, some of them who actually served in the trenches, and all who were in the position to talk to and interview anyone directly involved in the war in order to come to their conclusions as "revisionists" "romantics" and distorters of history.
You dismissed actual accounts of soldiers wh fought as "liars".
You dismissed pages worth of around a hundred historians working on WW1 as "unreadable"
in their place you carefully selected a handful of historians who have made unconnected statements, none corresponding with the other and all working nearly a century after the conflict when all concerned were conveniently dead.
Selected historians making comments on specific aspects of the war.
There is no evidennce whatever that all or any of this tiny group of historians you have carefully chosen have anything whatever in common with each other than they might or might not have said something that you can use to make your sunken case.
You have been given hundreds of historians who have not felt the necessity to challenge the accepted,taught and fully understood analysis of World War One - you have either rejected or ignored every single one of them in favour of your merry little band of dissidents who haven't even come to an agreement among themselves
Your retarded repetition of a request for even more names to add to your rejects is beyond belief.
The history of World War One is fully accepted - it's a done deal and will remain so until enough new evidence comes to light to make the world change its mind - there is no serious challenge to the history we already have - the Paxman programmes have made that quite clear.
What you are advocating isn't new - it was the picture of the war we were given until the Empire died and Britannia no longer ruled the waves.   
You have been presented with hundreds of historians - you have rejected them all, and will continue to do so.
"They were transferred to France"
We know all that Terrytoon - it was in the link - keep up.
Interestingly - your fellow comedian claims to have studied WW1 in depth.
I mistakenly said that the pacifist were executed four times (my mistake) - he, with his in-depth knowledge allowed that to pass three times before he obviously scrambled around the web and clued himself up on something he was totally unaware of - in depth study my arseum.            
Jim Carroll