The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3600152
Posted By: Musket
10-Feb-14 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Anything is up for civil debate eh?

Let's have a civil debate about your attitude to people you don't know but feel you can sit in judgement of?

Let's have a debate about Musket being a liar for knowing more about sexual health than you know about labouring for stonemasons.

Let's have a civil debate about the far right hate sites you use to draw false conclusions about the accurate HPA data you spew without knowing how it is collected nor indeed why.

Let's have a civil debate over your claim that not many gay people will want to marry, because they are naturally promiscuous. We could segue in a side debate about not letting niggers go to school because they don't need education when they end in prison. Or even letting pakis in public places in case they offend you by wearing rucksacks.

Hey! It's easy this bigot lark! I think I could ge..............

Excuse me, I need to throw up.

Then get a shower.

My skin is crawling.

Nobody is name calling you worm. Some of us don't like the company of lowlife scum and aren't afraid to say so. Read what the more civil members are actually saying. I applaud their self control, though I don't share their approach.