The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3600175
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Feb-14 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
39 days to the vernal equinox! Who's tired of winter!! We stayed at the mill last night as we were both TIRED! Good thing is that we got back to the city and snow clearing in our area was still underway. We thought R's truck had been towed and were starting to drive around looking for it but finally remembered I had picked him up in VSP so we drove over there - another 15 minutes; it would have been closer if we had stopped on the way - if we had remembered! Instead of being towed, he only had a parking ticket; predictable if one parks next to a no parking sign! But the tow would have been worse.

The pot saga: So tired Sat aft, I took a nap and then decided the whole kiln load would be white with burgundy/red rims. Finally got it loaded about 6:45 pm. Got up at 7 am and opened the kiln about 4 inches to try to get it cool enough to unload. Managed the top shelf about 7:45 but the next shelf - the potholders started smoldering! Finally unloaded by 8:15 and we went to the venue and unloaded and set up. The "valentine's" in the middle of the table. Only sold five pots - ALL in the burgundy\white, so glad I made that great effort. It was well liked so I will do more. Only one heart bowl - to a man, no doubt a gift! The other four I passed on to a friend with a gift shop; she may be able to sell some before Valentine's. I got the idea for the heart shaped bowls on a clay group on line. Someone posted a pic of how she did it. I do get a lot of info, not just tripe.

The great mystery of the day was the few bright blur spots on the white. It appears that the blood from my cut thumb did not burn out at 2000F??? I have asked on clayart/world if this is possible! I have no idea how else I could have had blue specks. (I will ask R to email the pic he took so I can post it on FB. I think the spots show also. MY FB page is open to the public so anyone can go there.)

A fun day but tiring. R went back to the mill and took a nap and came back for me. Then we went to see the cafe my potting friend is coordinating - a youth project - and trying to get open. R has friends who might help with equipment. Then to restaurant for supper; friend Geri happened to be there with a friend so we had good conversation with them and two Farm market friends came in later and sat in adjacent booth. A very social time! Back at the mill before 8 pm, we re-collapsed and were asleep by 10:30.

This malaise - coughing incessantly is exhausting. Two weeks and I had hoped it would be over but even though we do not feel really badly, the tiredness has gotten very -- tiresome!

After I dropped R off at his truck and got a tour of the building - two apts being reconstructed and are going to be very nice - makes me want to move there! Bath tub, hot water, big windows - why cannot some of this effort go into our house???? No action on the hot water today.

I stopped at two groceries on the way back and collected two loaves of the good bread at one and several loaves of interesting, marked down bread and good chicken breasts at the second. Forgot milk and stopped at IGA for that and sage, avoiding snow removal and getting back to the house at just the right time to have my fav parking space, unload and have lunch. First time on computer since Sat morning. Nothing on TV but Sochi and junk, (imo). So I will peruse FB and read I am Malala, cook chicken and have a salad for supper.

A man of raccoon rehab group took issue with the concept of civil disobedience as someone was opposing the pipeline. I had to remind him about Gandhi and MLK, Nelson Mandela and the importance of standing up for what is right. Got a kudo from one of the women.

Call from R just now wanting his passport number. I had been leaving all those imp papers at the mill - near the border - but decided a few weeks ago to put them back in the computer bag so they would be handy! Good move!