The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3600257
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Feb-14 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Dave, ally of Mr. Steve Shaw, nice try. Did he put you up to that?

Well, I love the fun we have here and I don't get cross about Jacko's multifarious stupidities - usually. But, for once through gritted teeth, Wacko, let me clear this up for you. I've just checked: I have never sent Dave a PM. Dave has only ever sent me just the one PM, last September (forgive me a little here, Dave), literally a one-liner, saying that he'd enjoyed the fun of the new religion jape and that he was sorry it was coming to an end. I don't quote PMs verbatim but I can do if Dave wants me to. That single message aside, every exchange I've ever had with Dave has been in public, up here on the forum for you and everybody else to read, Wacko. You really are getting desperate, aren't you? Not only do your posts increasing read like those of a man totally losing it, but you're now resorting to nasty little slurs such as the one above. Tell me: how does this fit in with you sanctimonious parrotting of "the forum rules"? Do tell us, briefly, why we should not think that you're just a hypocrite. Alternatively, do consider a short period of red-faced silence, huh?