The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153464   Message #3600486
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Feb-14 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
I really don't know why you are having trouble with this Steve, it's really very straightforward.

Well, as you have severe difficulty understanding that evolution is true, who are you...?

Newton did superb work in physics. As far as I'm aware, he did not allow his ludicrous religious beliefs and wacky stance on alchemy to interfere with that in any significant way. I have never, ever said that there's no such thing as a good scientist who goes to Mass, if that's the sort of thing you're driving at. There are many paradoxes in life, Snailie. Vaughan Williams wrote one of the best masses I've ever heard yet he was a committed atheist. Franco received Holy Communion almost every day. Caravaggio was one of the greatest painters who ever lived yet was a murderer. You can be a young-earth creationist and be a good scientist, but you can't be a creationist scientist because science is predicated on evidence. You can be a wonderful, loving parent but still subject your children to anti-educational abuse by sending them to faith schools. The world is full of split personalities, split 'twixt the rational and irrational in many cases. I advised you earlier to avoid, at your age, seeing things in black and white only, but I don't think you were listening.