The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153464   Message #3600666
Posted By: TheSnail
12-Feb-14 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Steve Shaw
Well, as you have severe difficulty understanding that evolution is true, who are you...?

Science doesn't do TRUE. That's religion. Your belief in the truth of evolution is exactly the same as pete's belief in the truth of the Bible.

Meanwhile, back to the subject. A typical Steve response, an ad hominem attack followed by a complete failure to answer, or even understand, the question. Also, a remarkable turnaround from your post of 09 Feb 14 - 04:41 PM where thinkers "outside the box" were depicted as almost saintly.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Now, we can distinguish between what we regard as Newton's great work and his more dubious efforts. I doubt if he did. He wouldn't have thought "This is the work that will have me remembered as a genius for hundreds of years to come and this is the bonkers stuff that future generations will try to brush under the carpet.". It was all good as far as he was concerned. More to the point, the stuff that we regard as bonkers was perfectly conventional at the time. He believed in the truth of the Bible. He believed that the earth was about 6000 years old. Even the hanging drawing and quartering was just the current law of the land. Do we, as pete suggests, say that that disqualifies him as a great scientist or, as DMcG advises, regard him as being "of his time"?

A straight answer with no personal abuse would be appreciated (but not expected).