The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153699   Message #3601141
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Feb-14 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: On waking up
Subject: RE: BS: On waking up
I can relate so well to Topsie! I was single for many years. It sure beat being awakened to a litany of "WHERE'S MY WALLET? "WHERE ARE MY GLASSES?" WHERE IS MY BRIEFCASE?" (I pulled the covers over my head. If you cannot put things where they can be found...)

Life with the kids was begging them to get up... That was also superior. Then, on my own, being able to quietly open my eyes when they felt like it, usually about 7 am which was in plenty of time to get to work or whatever.

Now: mode one: In the country, waking up as the sun brightens the sky, gradually and beautifully, even when the sky is monochromatic grey. Watching the birds flir about - even on a bitterly cold and windy day! And relaxing, cosy in bed with the soundly sleeping partner, until I feel like getting up and making breakfast. Sometimes I just make my toast and let him sleep on and on and... Because he is tired.

Except on days when I have signed to take my pottery to the Farmers' Market: up and out in 30 minutes or less and hope there is something to eat at the market before I get desperate. One of Esther's brownies or her zuke bread or...

Mode two:In the city. Not having gotten to bed until too late for me, I waken in a cave of a room with no window and - good heavens it is already 8 am and I am still tired. So I drag myself out into the almost as dark K to look out the glass door and see what the world looks like today. I make brekkie but it takes me a couple hours to come to terms with the world in the house, never mind "out there"!

Yep, now it is noon and, if it were not darn cold I would consider going "out there". Need to fight my way to the compost today - later!