The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28584 Message #360120
Posted By: Haruo
19-Dec-00 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: Favorite religious Christmas music
Subject: to mouldy
mouldy, I noticed your post on "It came upon the midnight clear", and am wondering what tune you sing it to. I'm American, and we almost without exception sing it to "Carol" by Richard Willis; in England I'm under the impression it's most often sung to "Noel", a traditional English tune arranged by Sir Arthur Sullivan; this is sometimes met with in hymnals in the Anglican-influenced traditions here (US), but is rarely sung even in the churches whose hymnals have it. Where are you and what tune do you use? (If you want to be reminded which is which, you can hear "Carol" and "Noel", if your computer plays MIDI files, as the background music here (Carol) and here (Noel) respectively in my Esperanto hymnal.) Liland