The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153464   Message #3601252
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
13-Feb-14 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
" ... as I previously implied, since you have read the former ['The Greatest Show on Earth'], you ought to be well versed in evolutionism proofs/evidences."

Yep! And now I'm waiting for you to read it so that we can compare notes. I hope you're not expecting me to re-gurgitate an entire book? It was you who wanted the evidence - well, it's in Dawkins' book - go and read it! Why should I do the work for you?

" ... your non factual assertion that being a creationist hinders current science only displays your blinkered partiality."

Creationism would be a harmless, eccentric and bonkers minority interest if some of its adherents didn't have far more political influence - particularly in the US - than they deserve. Under those unfortunate circumstances they DO have the potential to "hinder current science". Bearing that in mind, you're damn right I'm partial! Partial, but hopefully not "non factual" (whatever, exactly, that means).