The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3601338
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
14-Feb-14 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Glad to see you don't like the idea of people you don't even know enjoying the right to marry each other. We have a word to describe people who oppress others through self opinionated judgement, we call it bigotry.

Jack. Whilst taking your point that your wife said marriage is marriage so why have a qualifier, the debate here is about when gay people marry, as opposed to ginger people or old people. It is also about putting the term in parentheses as a sneer towards innocent people who deserve better.

Your comment that I have an issue with the word atheist is interesting too. Especially as you factor in my pointing out issues of marriage. I don't quite understand where you are coming from, or at least I hope I don't. Literally, atheist means having a view, negatively, on theism. However, most people painted with that pot don't have any view on theism one way or another. For most of us , religion is an irrelevance practiced by others. Not quite anti theist is it?

People wonder why these threads get eventually to gay equality? I'll tell you. Because religious bigotry supports the denigration of others. Shallow small people such as the worm grasp at this respectability for their hatred. "Militant atheist" is a rather wide ranging term for superstition to denigrate rational thought.

Hence the circle is closed.

And the circus begins.

If you were a guest at a wedding and there were people outside with placards saying it isn't a real wedding, would you feel uncomfortable or not?