The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3601405
Posted By: Musket
14-Feb-14 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Opinion would benefit from not having your two faced comments for that matter. One minute you are for equality, the next supporting your church's stance. You see the detail in The Archbishop's comments as being more important that the general olive branch he clearly waves, within the confines of his job.

There was no reason to qualify the thrust of the archbishop's comment other than to support the stance of our resident homophobic hate mongerer. None whatsoever. Your pedantry had a purpose, and it came over loud and clear.

In the meantime, you call me a liar for reading, hearing or seeing the news, based upon whether the item falls to hand easily in your google searches.

You write inclusively of a political party, agreeing with their points and them spend the next six months disowning hem. Fine, you resigned, or you just said you are a member when you wasn't. In any case, the damage is done.

You have zero credibility in your WW1 outpourings, and by hanging onto a couple of radical opinions of journalists and the odd historian, you shout down any attempt by anybody to proffer the truth. Michael Gove must be very proud of you.

And then you come over all hurt when you are weighed up accurately. Not nice is it? Let me tell you, it can be even worse when people don't deserve it, like every member you shout liar! at each time they reveal your arse.
