The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3601817
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Feb-14 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
I had a funny dream this morning - that my mother was here at my house and made herself a piece of toast that was liberally sprinkled with cinnamon sugar - and that my pit bull Cinnamon stretched up across the table and stole and ate mom's toast. :) My mother died seven years before the dog turned up, but it was an interesting dream.

Amazing how much dog hair has built up in the house during this cold weather. I need to give the whole house a huge sweep and vacuum now that hopefully they'll spend more time outside.

The futon had been relisted for about an hour and I had a call from a real person this morning. I pulled off the cover, washed the mattress pad, and got it ready to go. He was supposed to be here at 2pm but never turned up. All he needed to do was say he found a better price and not waste my time. I've had three calls so I contacted the next person. I'm asking very little for it yet people always want to pay even less. I suppose I could take less to get it out, but I've already dropped the price by more than half. (I just now went in and edited the ad to reflect that I've already lowered the price considerably.) The latest negotiation is in play, he's at work for a couple of hours. We played phone tag for a little because I kept setting my phone down and walking away and missing messages, as apparently did he.

Anyway, once this is out I'll move chairs into that room and make it into a reading room. Looking forward to it!

For the afternoon I'm working around the house. Did some laundry, and now I'm moving a TV small antenna receiver. It has been over the porch for a while and not working very well - I can put the coaxial cable by itself (without the antenna thing) up near the roofline and get a better signal. It's nice today so I've pulled out the articulated ladder and will climb up and move the receiver to the soffit at the side of the house.