The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153625   Message #3601959
Posted By: Musket
16-Feb-14 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Subject: RE: BS: Militant Atheism Threads
Yes I can Keith. After all, you can google my post, which is usually good enough for you. After all, as you keep saying, google never lies.

I'll tell you what I mean by rational. The odds of winning The National Lottery here are 14,000,000/1. Not good odds but still odds.

The odds of any of the umpteen thousand religions getting it right are almost infinite. I say almost on the basis of you never know. But you can't put any odds to it, whilst buying lottery tickets is calculable. Therefore rational.

I say religion is irrational because it is man made mind control freakery and make believe fairy tales. No malice there, just plain fact. If you believe in it, you are missing a vital piece of your intelligence makeup. Again, no problem with that just so long as you don't drag others down to your level of superstition.

Don't be embarrassed by it. It is a delusion shared by many. On your side of the pond Jack, It is so prevalent that politicians have to pretend they are shallow too if they want to be elected. It is a huge problem. We see people killing each other to prove their god is better than someone else's.

Rather than have a pop at those intelligent enough not to want to play, you should be grateful that the real world gets on with trying to improve society rather than think some fictitious God will provide.

If you get something out of it, great. If you think others might, try pausing before pushing it down throats.