The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153681   Message #3602074
Posted By: akenaton
16-Feb-14 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Subject: RE: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
That is precisely the point Keith.
I just wish some other members would allow themselves to consider the real effects of HIV, death or lifetime health care, confined in the main, to one tiny sexual minority.

If people would just forget their political allegiances for a moment and concentrate on the issue, they might come to understand that cutting infection rates in this demographic is a necessity and certainly not a demonstration of any kind of "hatred"
Ineffective procedures like those which have been used for the last ten years are useless, as shown by the ever increasing HIV and other STD infection rates amongst MSM.

It's simply not honest to hide the negative aspects of male to male sexuality under the smokescreen of "gay marriage", which will in reality, only affect a tiny minority of a tiny minority.