The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3602442
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Feb-14 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
I'm absolutely giddy about the prospect of finally moving the futon out of my front room. That room, about 14' x 12', has this huge piece of furniture that needs a wide clearance so it can be shifted into the lower position of a double (full-size) bed. This weekend I gave up on Craig's List - I frankly got tired of people asking, no matter how low the price was listed, if I'd take less for it. No. No. No. I'll give it away (and take a sizable tax credit for the donation) before I'll play that stupid game. It's in excellent shape, no cat or dog hair, no cigarette smoke or dust - and I'm sure some of those bargain futons they went for (after they called and said they'd be right over but then someone undercut my modest $80 price) positively stink. And no, I don't need a sob story about you sleeping on the floor. That's what air mattresses are for. S.A. is scheduled to come pick it up on Tuesday - and in my note (you set up the pickup online) I said they'd have to get it in the morning or I'll reschedule. No one has called or suggested we need to change the setup. Moving this out of that room is like clearing up a couple of spaces in one of those party favor puzzles with 36 spaces and 35 tiles. And the Salvation Army will sell it for what I was asking or a little more, and no one will haggle with them.

The color is kind of odd - white shows up as blue - but this room (upright piano on the right, Victrola in the back on the left) is of the futon. And if you aren't a friend on Flickr you won't be able to see it. (Here's a Guest Pass that might let a few more in. Sorry about that. It has to do with stalkers over the years). There is paint peeled off of the top of the pony wall and spindles - I need to prime and paint after the kids peeled that (ages ago). This is a wide angle on the phone so it looks narrower than it is.