The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28584   Message #360296
Posted By: GUEST
20-Dec-00 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Favorite religious Christmas music
Subject: RE: Favorite religious Christmas music
While shepherds watched...

The South Yorkshire carol tradition I mentioned earlier in this thread has about 15 tunes for this carol. My personal favourite is 'Pentonville'. Other versions have a chorus as in:

Sweet bells, sweet chiming Christmas bells
Sweet bells, sweet chiming Christmas bells
They cheer us on our heavenly way
Sweet Christmas bells.

Other carols sung are well-known sets of words to lesser known tunes (or unknown outside the area), and sets of words and tunes that I've only heard there.

12 days of Christmas

The explanation given still seems like complete tosh to me (apart from the rather over-stated anti-Catholic laws - do people in the the USA actually believe that?). So why would apostles be pipers piping, for example? Or Jesus Christ a partridge in a pear tree? Can anyone see any connection? It all seems a bit contrived to me (a bit like Deck o' Cards)

Les from Hull