The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759   Message #3602987
Posted By: Steve Gardham
19-Feb-14 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: BBC Folk Awards
Can't believe I'm really the first to start this thread, but here goes.

Let's get the gripes out of the way first. Same old faces....

Most embarrassing moment...Greg Dykes. Why don't they get somebody who knows a smattering about folk to read their script first so they don't spout so much shite?

Apart from that I quite enjoyed most of it.

I think it's getting perilously close to us needing another short snappy word to describe the traditional stuff. There was a sizable percentage that didn't come anywhere near even the widest meaning of 'folk' though to be fair they keep tagging on words like 'roots' and 'acoustic'. Perhaps it would be more accurate if they just called it 'music'.