The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153681   Message #3602989
Posted By: akenaton
19-Feb-14 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Subject: RE: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Dave you know my views very well, we have discussed them on every thread . I have always said, that it is not my job to find ways of implementing what I have in mind.

The register would be voluntary and perhaps organised by one of the groups associated with homosexual health care.....the registered people, would be asked to present themselves for testing perhaps four times a year, if they were sexually active; and if testing positive, all sexual partners contacted and tested.
Here is the main part of MY idea of a solution.....After a time it will just become socially unacceptable for practicing male homosexuals NOT to be regularly tested for HIV,
just as it has become socially unacceptable for smokers to do so in public places, or drivers to do so under the influence.....all these groups need a little push in the right direction.
It is not for me to say what happens to those who behave in a manner which could be fatal to their sexual partners, but it simply cannot be allowed to happen at the rates which now pertain.
The health agencies are tying themselves in knots trying to be politically correct and improve male homosexual health at the same time....they ADVISE thrice yearly testing for MSM, they SUGGEST routine testing for AT RISK GROUPS in designated areas.
This of course is code for the MSM demographic.....there should be no bloody need for health agencies to USE code, public health should be the priority.....we live under a mad system, with incompetent health agencies cowering before political agendas.

Mr McGrath suggests testing and contact tracing everyone in the UK who is sexually active, but this would be impossible due to the cost and time taken to test the huge numbers of heterosexuals who have only a minute infection rate.

In the UK and US, HIV has become almost exclusively a disease of male homosexuality. The health agencies need to absorb this fact and act upon it.

Right that's my view of how this epidemic may be slowed or halted, lets hear YOURS and don't dare say education, education.

If you don't have a solution, or don't believe the figures, or think that saving lives is "discrimination".....don't waste my time.