The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759   Message #3603132
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Feb-14 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
Well I don't mind seeing up and coming talent, showbiz points and all that notwithstanding (and I do agree with them), but we still seem to be fixated somewhat on spotty kids who equate playing as fast as they can with playing well. A good few people up there a bit past their sell-by dates too. Well done Bella Hardy, and I also thought the young woman singing at the piano (I can't remember her name, but I will) will be someone we'll see more of. I can't be doing with "supergroups" at all but isn't Nancy Kerr wonderful! Come on, folks. Things are looking up. Fisherman's Friends are singing again and there was no Donovan or Don McLean!