The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759 Message #3603189
Posted By: GUEST,MATT Milton
20-Feb-14 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
"By chance and fortune, but not necessarily by merit that is so much greater than that of many other, unknown people."
Well you could say the same thing about getting played on the radio, or scoring a place on the Cambridge Folk Festival bill, or being on Jools Holland or even simply having an album out. There'll always be better, more talented, worthier people who aren't on the radio, who aren't playing big festivals, who don't have an album out. That's not a reason for boycotting those events, or foregoing those activities.
Yes, there will always be people who are unsung talents that turn up and do something spellbindingly good at their local folk club to an appreciative small crowd. But it's not "chance and fortune" that separates them from famous names: it's determination and focus and hard work and, above all, the self-conscious decision to be a professional musician, to actually do that with your working life. I have a lot of respect for people that make that commitment, even if I generally don't like their music much. I think it's slightly self-indulgent and too easy to think to oneself that it's a few lucky breaks separating a talented amateur musician and a famous professional one. (I've been guilty of that false consolatory sop myself on occasion!)
Personally, I doubt many of the folk awards recipients genuinely think their award is an Official Seal That They Are Definitely Better Than Everyone Else. They are just grateful that more people are getting to hear their music. Oh, and that their mum can maybe catch a glimpse of them on TV.