The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759   Message #3603258
Posted By: Will Fly
20-Feb-14 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
And when Mumford and Sons win best traditional track; best contemporary track; best album ;best folk rock group; best band; trio; and solo artist plus best band ever in the whole of the universe then you might just wonder where it all went wrong.

Tee hee - that's yet another value judgement!

I always find it interesting that people find it necessary to have "folk" on TV - "Good Lord - a whole two hours - aren't we lucky!" - and then get hacked off because some bloody old griping curmudgeon like me dares to criticise the music. As if we should be grateful already. Some of it's good and worthwhile, and some of it ain't, and we have to exercise our own judgments as to what we individually like or dislike - not blanket approval and a "we should be reelly, reelly grateful" attitude.

Anyway, I like being a griping old curmudgeon now and then - and today is one of those occasions. I shall be all sweetness and light tomorrow, and be tweeting like a skylark.