The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3603268
Posted By: Bat Goddess
20-Feb-14 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
I've just come to the conclusion that today is NOT a day to think about anything important, try to make sense out of my Social Security options (let alone my ACA options) or call ServiceLink to see if they can help unconfuse me, or do ANYTHING involving thought.

I'm feeling massively over-extended, beleaguered, depressed, on the verge of tears AND I need a nap. (Helping a friend on the phone until late and then woke up too early.)

Which is what I think I'll do. (Take a nap.)

My plow guy will come tomorrow with his tractor (he just cleaned up where my car had been a little bit) and try to move all the snow next to the deck and the house and dump it down the hill so there will be room for my car to turn around and to put more snow when it snows again -- which will probably be tonight and tomorrow morning, if it's not rain or "wintry mix"...

But before I take that nap I have to get the ladder out in the bathroom and pound the trim piece at the top of the shelves on the side of the sink back in to place so the damned flying squirrel that was loose in the bathroom last night can't get back in there. (It's not so much the flying squirrel as Rufus trying to get to the flying squirrel dumping things out, scattering and breaking the contents of the shelves, etcet etcet).

Wish me getting the necessary stuff done so I can turn off my brain and take a nap.
