The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759   Message #3603294
Posted By: GUEST,Derek Schofield
20-Feb-14 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
It's repeated on the red button this evening (Thursday) from 10.30, on a loop till tomorrow morning.

The folk scene - dance and song - is multi-faceted. A wide variety of genres (from shanties to love songs to Playford dances to clogs), a wide range of stages (from the session in a pub, to arts centres, concert halls, big festivals and the Royal Albert Hall), a wide variety of approaches and styles (unaccompanied ballad to folk-rock). It's wide enough to be able to pick your own personal bit that interests and entertains you. But there's no need to rubbish the bits that don't personally interest you.

An important aspect of the folk scene is the high level of participation - probably more than any other art form. And it's generally welcoming, friendly and inclusive.

The Folk Awards are one aspect of the whole scene. The mistake is thinking that it's the only or even most important aspect. It isn't.
