The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759 Message #3603313
Posted By: GUEST
20-Feb-14 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
"Watch on the Red Button Full live coverage can be seen by pressing the Red Button from any BBC TV channel on your digital TV - from 2000 - 2230 on Wednesday 19th February.
We will also be repeating the whole show on a loop from 2230 until 0745 on Thursday 20th February.
There will be a second chance to watch highlights from the 2014 Folk Awards by pressing red at the following times: Tuesday 25th February: 2000-0700 following morning Wednesday 26th February: 2000-2350 Thursday 27th February: 0225-0700 and 2000-2320 Friday 28th February: 0300-0700, 2130-2200 and 2230-2320 Saturday 29th February: 0225-0700"